Food purchasing habits in times of pandemic in the Western Transdanubian region


  • Veronika Keller Széchenyi István University Kautz Gyula Faculty of Economics
  • Péter Huszka Széchenyi István University Kautz Gyula Faculty of Economics



food purchasing behavior, pandemic situation, Covid-19, consumption change, price change



The aim of this study is to explore the changing consumer and shopping habits due to the pandemic situation in times of the second wave of the pandemic (autumn of 2020) based on secondary data research and qualitative and quantitative primary data research.


As the first step of the research online mini focus group interviews were conducted in September 2020 among housewives belonging to different family life cycle. As the second step of the research online survey in October 2020 was made to explore the basic changes in food purchasing behavior. During the research the preferred types of shops, the willingness to online food shopping and the perception of price increase were analyzed with the methods of cross tabulation and analysis of variance among two customer groups – those who visit shops less times due to the pandemic and those who did not make any changes in their shopping behavior due to the pandemic.


The qualitative research showed that people belonging to different family lifecycle and thus generation – youths, middle-ages and seniors – were afraid of the virus and the pandemic had an effect on their shopping behavior. Relying on the results of the quantitative research the different types of grocery stores are visited at the same frequency among those who have not changed their purchasing behavior and among those who have changed their purchasing behavior and visit shops rarely. Those who are afraid of the virus and thus visit shops rarely are more prone to online shopping. All in all, consumers think that price increase of food is significant especially those who do shopping less times.


Beyond the popularity of online shopping consumers became more cautious and conscious, which attributes are becoming more intense due to the pandemic. The authors think that online food shopping is not becoming general among Hungarian customers since they persist on traditional “physical” shopping.

Author Biographies

Veronika Keller, Széchenyi István University Kautz Gyula Faculty of Economics

Associate Professor

Péter Huszka , Széchenyi István University Kautz Gyula Faculty of Economics

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Keller, V. and Huszka , P. (2022) “Food purchasing habits in times of pandemic in the Western Transdanubian region”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 55(4), pp. 71–82. doi: 10.15170/MM.2021.55.04.07.




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