Comparative study of consumer expectations related to local products




local product, small geographical distance, local workforce



Nowadays, campaigns aimed at supporting local economies and the strengthening of ethnocentric thinking can be observed at the world level, which was only further strengthened by the pandemic. Short supply chains and local products have become more valuable from the point of view of sustainable consumption, and are increasingly emphasized in the public discourse. In the framework of our research, we sought answers to what Hungarian customers consider to be local products and in terms of their origin, and what expectations they have of them.


The basic research was conducted in 2019 (N=500), then repeated in 2021 (N=1000) in both cases on a representative national sample. In both cases, the samples were representative in terms of gender, age, type of settlement and region.During the sampling in the individual regions and designated settlements, the so-called we used the principle of random walking, which ensures complete randomness for the selection of suitable respondents. Among the persons living in the visited household, the so-called we selected the right person for the interview using a birthday key.


Based on the comparison, it can be stated that in 2021 the respondents have higher expectations of local products than in 2019. This is true for all aspects, but the small geographical distance, the employment of local labor and the traditional production process stand out among them. In 2021, consumers are more accepting of local products from their own and neighboring settlements, as well as from the county and region, than in 2019. Based on this, the distance of origin is also handled more flexibly, i.e. greater geographical distance is more accepted.


On the basis of what has been described, it can be stated that the respondents interpret the concept of local products more broadly, and they refer less to a single settlement. The above means that producers can also "label" products from greater distances as local, and decision-makers should reconsider the current distance-of-origin criteria.

Author Biographies

Dorka T. Nagy-Pető , University of Debrecen

PhD Student

Virág Ágnes Kiss, University of Debrecen

Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

T. Nagy-Pető , D., Szakály, Z. and Kiss, V. Ágnes (2023) “Comparative study of consumer expectations related to local products”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 57(1), pp. 49–57. doi: 10.15170/MM.2023.57.01.05.




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