International research trends on the terms non consumption and anti consumption


  • Ágnes Maksimovic University of Pécs
  • Mária Törőcsik University of Pécs



non consumption, anti consumption, consumer behaviour, Google Trends



At the beginning of the 2000s, in the international marketing literature, the topic of anti-consumption was rarely explored. For instance, experts had studied the consumer group of voluntary simplifiers. (Craig-Lees & Hill 2002; Shaw & Newholm 2002) and consumer resistance (Duke 2002). In 2002, Zavestoski used the term anti-consumption in his published research on non-consumption, which was groundbreaking compared to previous publications (Zavestoski 2002). A year later, a study on sustainable consumption and non-consumption was published in the Australian Journal of Marketing (Todd & Lawson 2003). This raises the question of what is meant by either of these terms and how they relate to the terminology of non-consumption in Hungary. As there is no professional consensus on the use of the two terms (or even on how they are spelled), the research may help to develop a common framework for those working on the topic.


The present study examines international publications about anti-consumption and non-consumption from 2004 to 2022 by analysing the number of Google Trends searches and research papers.


By using GoogleTrends the terms non consumption and anti consumption seem to alternate in the line graph, showing opposite movements. In both cases, consumption is the term most closely associated with the examined terms. The anti consumption term is also associated with anti consumption, indicating that anti consumption may be associated with an emotional surplus, while non consumption does not have an emotional surplus, but rather with states treated as facts. The hungarian term: „nemfogyasztás”, is best conveyed by non consumption, so it is recommended for translations and searches.


It is a challenge to completely separate the two terms, as they are closely related to the topic of consumption, so consumption appears in all six spellings of the terms under study. In the case of anti consumption, term consumption (100) appears more frequently, followed by anti consumption (16). In the case of non consumption, after consumption (100), electricity consumption (19) and energy (17) are more prominent.

By region, the term is searched for most prominently in the United States, this is due to the linguistic specificity.

Author Biographies

Ágnes Maksimovic, University of Pécs

PhD Student

Mária Törőcsik, University of Pécs



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How to Cite

Maksimovic, Ágnes and Törőcsik, M. (2023) “International research trends on the terms non consumption and anti consumption”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 57(Különszám EMOK 2), pp. 25–34. doi: 10.15170/MM.2023.57.KSZ.02.03.

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