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Leadership motivation in the service of workforce retention with a special focus on small and medium-sized enterprises in the South Transdanubian Region


  • Zsolt Kőmüves Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  • József Poór J. Selye University
  • Péter Karácsony Óbuda University, University Research and Innovation Center



motivation, Covid-19, selection, recruitment, retention



The aim of our study is to explore how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have responded to the economic impact of the coronavirus epidemic, and what selection, retention and incentive measures they are introducing to reduce turnover in their organisations.


We have conducted our surveys with 108 employers, mainly with the  the head of the company based in Southern Transdanubia   region. Data were evaluated using SPSS software, cross-tabulation analysis was performed to show correlations between background variables and individual responses, while Pearson's Chi-square (χ2) test was used to measure the statistical significance of correlations between variables, in addition, we examined Cramér's coefficient in the cross-tabulation analysis.


The economic consequences of the pandemic immediately and directly affected 73% of the medium-sized enterprises, and 46% of small enterprises we surveyed. The emerging pandemic forced employers to react quickly. The most common answer was the so-called working from “home office”, followed by time off and then reduced working hours. According to the results obtained, 16% of workers sufferd from a reduction or total loss of income. The selection process of the examined companies was characterized by a careful and thorough selection process, trial day testing, but the operation of the employee recommendation program and trust in advance also played an important role. All companies surveyed use a workforce retention strategy. Involvement in management decisions was most relevant in the field of services and trade, the development of skills and competencies through various trainings were prioritized in agriculture, while the operation of the mentoring network was emphasised in the field of informatics. The managers of the companies included in the study consider flexible forms of employment to be the most suitable for retaining the workforce, but also attach importance to the development of group cohesion (eg different kinds of trainings) and the involvement of employees in wage increases.


The results of the research contribute to the planning of strategic decisions, the determination of selection and recruitment methods, and the selection of motivational strategies and to identify motivational strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, from a research methodological point of view, we believe that a research tool has been developed for examining the selection and retention strategies of organizations, which is better suited to research practices, thus enabling more accurate measurement.

Author Biographies

Zsolt Kőmüves , Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Associate Professor

József Poór , J. Selye University


Péter Karácsony , Óbuda University, University Research and Innovation Center

Research Professor 


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How to Cite

Kőmüves , Z. ., Poór , J. and Karácsony , P. (2022) “Leadership motivation in the service of workforce retention with a special focus on small and medium-sized enterprises in the South Transdanubian Region”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 56(2), pp. 72–82. doi: 10.15170/MM.2022.56.02.07.




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