Typology of German senior travelers during the Covid-19 pandemic
elderly German travelers, senior tourism, tourism decision makingAbstract
Senior tourism has existed in the public consciousness of the German sending market since the 1970s, but until the turn of the millennium the profession typically regarded it as a niche market. Despite the expanding volume of elderly German travelers, their numbers are constantly eroding in domestic destinations. Their consumer behavior and decision-making within the tourism sector is less studied and typically stereotyped, despite the fact that they are more active and educated compared to previous generations. The segment of elderly travelers can be considered extremely heterogeneous. The main goal of our empirical study was to identify homogeneous groups within the segment and creating a new typology within the segment of elderly German travelers.
The COVID-19 pandemic that erupted in late 2019 brought serious challenges to tourism. During the periods full of closures, the output of the sector converged to zero several times. Already during the period of partial restart, between July and October 2021, a personal interview (PAPI, in-situ) was conducted, where German travelers aged 55 and over were selected. The final sample consisted of 347 elderly German citizens who visited destinations along the Danube in Hungary with the help of a hotel boat. We examined their destination preference and their dominant travel habits in the context of the destination choice decision. With the help of clustering, we looked for well-separated groups, as a result of which 5 clusters were identified in the case of the examined sample.
Our research results illustrate that it is a mistake to treat the senior travel segment of a given nation in a uniform and homogeneous way, as in addition to socio-economic status, destination expectations and differences in the location of the sending area can all have an impact on tourism consumption.
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