The role of information processing in the persuasive communication of a specific, complex decision-making process




central-route, peripheral-route, Advertising Response Model, Need for Cognition, Need for Affect



The effectiveness of an advertisement is influenced by a number of factors. One of the basic questions to be decided is whether the target group of the advertisement processes the information coming from the "stimulus rich" environment on a rational or emotional route, thus determining the way and framework of the specific advertisement. The aim of our research is to investigate the factors influencing the activation of information processing pathways through a video advertisement for a specific product.


Based on the theory of the more rational, conscious central and the more emotional, heuristic in other words peripheral processing pathways distinguished by the Advertising Response Model, we would expect the activation of the central pathway for individuals with stronger cognitive attitudes, and the activation of the peripheral pathway for more emotional personalities.


In contrast, based on the results of our quantitative study of 226 participants, when we examined the impact of a video advertisement for the product PractiKid, which is used to assess the abilities of young children, we found a dominance of the central pathway even for respondents with higher emotional levels. These results, contrary to expectations, may be due to, among other things, the specific nature of the product included in the study and the presence of additional factors influencing the activation of the processing pathway, which will warrant further research in the near future. However, going beyond previous Hungarian publications, the methodology used in our article provides an opportunity to ground empirical research on processing pathways.


Our research findings indicate that, for certain products, a complex decision-making process may enhance the cognitive processing orientation of groups with different emotional needs. When developing advertising for such products, the focus should be on product attributes and rational arguments.

Author Biographies

Judit Cservék, Eötvös Loránd University

PhD Student

Erika Hlédik, Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Economics Department of Marketing and Argumentation

Associate professor


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How to Cite

Cservék, J. and Hlédik, E. (2023) “The role of information processing in the persuasive communication of a specific, complex decision-making process”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 57(Különszám EMOK 3), pp. 16–25. doi: 10.15170/MM.2023.57.KSZ.03.02.

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