Five user types of autonomous driving in Hungary
autonomous vehicles, technology acceptance, segmentation, personasAbstract
Nowadays self-driving technology is attracting more and more interest from social scientists, and thanks to this fact we know more and more about consumers' acceptance of self-driving technology. One of the limitations of researches based on TAM and UTAUT models, is that they predominantly focus on the population and as a result, we have little information about the different segments. The aim of our research is to classify Hungarian consumers into homogeneous groups and to give the main characteristics of them using mathematical-statistical methods.
We used multivariate data analysis methods: we divided our sample (N=517) into five significantly different groups with the help of factor and cluster analysis. After the identification of the groups we used cross-tabulation analyzes to get to know their main characteristics.
In terms of attitudes towards self-driving vehicles, five segments were identified: i) tradition-lover dismissives, ii) open-minded adventurers, iii) uncertain optimists, iv) distrustful skeptics, v) abstentive observers. Another important result is that the most important characteristics of these segments have been identified as well, so personalized communication can be created.
With our research we would like to draw attention of high priority of segmentation in the autonomous vehicle market. The spread of innovations can be defined as a process of communication: the right information delivered through the right channels can help us to understant and accept new technologies. This communication can only be effective, if we identify the different consumer segments, their needs and special characteristics in order to strenghten their technology acceptance with the help of personalized communication. With our results we would like to invite marketing professioinals to think together in order to the technological explosion that will affect our future serve social welfare as much as possible with the help of marketing.
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