International collaborative online marketing course in practice


  • Annamária Sasné Grósz University of Pannonia
  • Dávid Máté Hargitai University of Pannonia
  • Barbara Zsuzsanna Varga-Dani University of Pannonia



collaborative learning, intercultural competence, online collaboration, collaborative learning, intercultural competence, online collaboration



Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is an opportunity to shape students’ attitude. During the autumn semester of 2022 a collaboration between a US and Hungarian university was established with students from 15 different nations with a focus on international business negotiations. During the 6-weeks project, not only academic achievement was measured but improvement of cross-cultural skills as well. The aim of the study is to build a model of the impact of the COIL course on the participants' self-image, cultural openness and their relationship with the international environment.


The research used three consecutive online questionnaires to measure 1) cultural openness; 2) commitment to the course, relationships with group members; 3) changes in openness and students' interest in international affairs. Currently the major changes in openness, international interest and personality is analysed from the collected date using statistical methods. Analysing the data, paired t-tests were used. The advantage of this method is that it can be used on a small sample, so the sample analysed in this study meets this criterion.


The results show that, in line with the literature, the collaborative online international course does indeed bring about a change in participants' cultural competence and helps to change their mind-set and attitudes towards international and global issues.


A COIL course is a form of international educational cooperation where participating students can join a course or project at a university in another country in a cost-effective way. In addition to the learning outcomes, this also provides an opportunity to develop their intercultural competences. Based on the findings of the study, further research is needed to investigate in detail the impact of factors influencing students' development pathways and to explore ways of eliminating elements that have a negative impact.

Author Biographies

Annamária Sasné Grósz, University of Pannonia

Associate Professor, Head of Deaprtment

Dávid Máté Hargitai, University of Pannonia

Associate Professor

Barbara Zsuzsanna Varga-Dani , University of Pannonia

Master Lecturer


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How to Cite

Sasné Grósz, A., Hargitai, D. M. and Varga-Dani , B. Z. (2024) “International collaborative online marketing course in practice”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 58(2), pp. 51–60. doi: 10.15170/MM.2024.58.02.05 .


