How open are university students to sharing their knowledge?


  • Tímea Juhász Budapest Business School
  • Gyöngyi Csongrádi Budapest Business School
  • Arnold Tóth Budapest Business School



knowledge management, knowledge transfer, knowledge sharing



It is no longer a question that knowledge is one of the most important human values, the acquisition, development, and preservation of which is essential for everyone. The so-called knowledge management is all the activities aimed at collecting, organizing, sharing, further developing, and effectively utilizing the accumulated, documented knowledge, expertise, and experience (Bencsik, 2013). It is not a coincidence that everyone wants to preserve and develop the knowledge wealth acquired and developed individually. However, it is a question of whether we are willing to share our knowledge with others. In this study, the authors of the article looked at how open university students were to share their knowledge with each other.


The authors investigated the willingness to transfer knowledge of students in higher education in a survey conducted in 2021. Respondents were asked to participate in a questionnaire published on the Internet, anonymously and voluntarily.


The results of the study confirmed that students are moderately willing to pass on information to their fellow students and therefore do not primarily expect material compensation from each other. Encouraging the transfer of knowledge between students should be part of university education. It should be possible for students to share their knowledge in as many situations as possible.

Author Biographies

Tímea Juhász , Budapest Business School

Senior Research Fellow

Gyöngyi Csongrádi , Budapest Business School

College Associate Professor

Arnold Tóth , Budapest Business School

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Juhász , T., Csongrádi , G. and Tóth , A. (2022) “How open are university students to sharing their knowledge?”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 56(2), pp. 47–58. doi: 10.15170/MM.2022.56.02.05.


