Decision making challenges of the Hungarian SME sector – with focus on online communication presence


  • Gedeon Totth Budapest Business School
  • Ibolya Brávácz Eötvös Loránd University
  • Dávid Harsányi Budapest Business School
  • Diána Pacsi Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  • Zoltán Szabó University of Sopron



SME sector, decision making, online presence, websites, innovation



The analysis of the SME sector’s online presence and the related decision-making system are reasonable from multiple aspects. Online presence is considered evidence these days regardless the company size and the internet resulted paradigm shifts in marketing especially in marketing communication. Marketing innovation is a key factor in the company’s marketing strategy which enables the enterprise to reach its consumers and business partners in a more and more up-to-date and effective way. However, marketing activities of SMEs including online activities are often leg behind the desirable level.

The aim of the paper is to explore the attitudes and practices of SMEs that characterise their online activities and gain relevant information on their decision-making process regarding their online marketing activities before Covid and in 2022.


Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 people between January and March 2019 and 13 in February 2022. The enterprises were chosen from the Hungarian SME sector.


The results of the research indicate that the examined companies do not show consciousness in their online activities. The enterprises do not seem to capitalize their strengths that literature and practice suggest, which come from SME characteristics. However, there is a definite positive change in the attitude of SMEs, which has been partly accelerated, partly amplified by COVID-19. Almost all participants in our 2022 survey are planning further online improvements in the coming time.


The fundamental background for an effective online presence is the utilization of the knowledge and experience found within the company through group decision-making, which is the opposite of the basic owner and one-person decision-making attitude typical to the SME sector. Recognising the importance of SEO and SMM is essential to corporate success and needs to be balanced besides the typical SMM activities. The increasing rate of outsourcing of online activities is helping to increase corporate knowledge capital and a more effective online communication presence. An important element of the fundamental change of attitude can be the development of internal online communication in addition to external communication.

A fundamental shift is needed, because decision makers do not see online marketing as a key element of corporate success. This limits their development and opportunities in the domestic market and in the long run it makes international appearance impossible.

Acknowledgements: This research was supported by a grant from the Higher Education Institutional Excellence Programme of the Hungarian Ministry of Innovation and Technology to the Budapest Business School (NKFIH-1259-8/2019).

Author Biographies

Gedeon Totth , Budapest Business School

CSc, Lecturer

Ibolya Brávácz , Eötvös Loránd University

Assistant Professor

Dávid Harsányi , Budapest Business School

PhD, College Associate Professor

Diána Pacsi, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

PhD Student

Zoltán Szabó , University of Sopron

PhD, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Totth , G., Brávácz , I., Harsányi , D., Pacsi, D. and Szabó , Z. (2022) “Decision making challenges of the Hungarian SME sector – with focus on online communication presence”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 56(2), pp. 5–12. doi: 10.15170/MM.2022.56.02.01.




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