The effect of external reference price on consumer’s price perception


  • Lilla Lipták University of Szeged



anchoring, reference point, reference price, cognitive bias, pricing



Consumers tend to simplify their decision-making processes with the help of heuristics. One of these identified heuristics is called the anchoring effect. In case of products, their price can act like an anchor or so-called reference point. The aim of our study is to investigate the effect of external reference prices on the price perception and price evaluation of consumers in case of products they know well and buy frequently.


An online experimental survey method was used to collect data for this study. 2158 people filled out the questionnaire and respondents were divided into two groups. The groups’ survey differed only in the prices of products respectively. In our research we investigated the effect of the rage of internal reference prices and also the effect of bait product on consumers’ price perception and decision-making. The participants were divided into two random groups. The two groups received similar but not the same stimuli pictures during the experiment. Based on the differences in the responses of the two groups, we tried to assess the impact of external reference prices on the perceptions and evaluation of prices.


The results showed that the effect of external prices can be identified even in case of frequently purchased, well-known products like milk or a bottle of mineral water. We found differences between the price perceptions of the two groups, which supports the idea that the range of other products’ prices and bait prices play a huge role in the decision-making process of consumers. However, bait prices did not influence consumers’ decision in the way we assumed, as they did not change the choice towards the product we expected. Understanding this phenomena requires to implement quantitative research methods in the future.


Based on our results, it can be said that the prices of products have a great influence on the decision, so marketing professionals should pay special attention to product placement in the store and on the shelves. Furthermore, it is worth considering and applying the effect of bait prices in advertisements and promotional newspapers when they would like to sell a certain product.

Author Biography

Lilla Lipták , University of Szeged

Assistant Lecturer


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How to Cite

Lipták , L. (2022) “The effect of external reference price on consumer’s price perception ”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 56(EMOK Különszám), pp. 19–29. doi: 10.15170/MM.2022.56.KSZ.01.02.

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