Attitudes towards people with disabilities, social marketing issues




Disability, Social inclusion, Social marketing, Attitude



Supporting the social inclusion of people with disabilities is an important and complex social issue, which needs to be addressed as a priority. The specific aim of the present study, which was carried out within the framework of a multi-year research programme, including the preparation of a doctoral dissertation, is to gain a deeper understanding and examination of the social attitudes towards people with disabilities. Following the presentation of the theoretical framework, the study presents a research in which students of the University of Miskolc were surveyed. Those elements of the complex questionnaire used in the survey are presented, which refers to the Hungarian application and adaptation of the "Multidimensional Attitude Scale" (MAS), which is widely used in the international field, with the aim of outlining the framework of a desirable social marketing programme.


We used the MAS scale methodology (Vilchinsky et al., 2010), developed in 2010 specifically for higher education students, which focused on the perception of wheelchair users, using the social scenario method, with 5-item Likert scales to examine the affective, cognitive and behavioural dimensions of respondents' attitudes towards people with disabilities. The scale was pilot-tested, followed by a large-scale survey at the end of 2023, using a quota sample of all students at the University of Miskolc (n = 450).


Our research is a Hungarian adaptation of the MAS scale in an international context (in addition to the original Israeli, and the adapted German, South-Korean, Ethiopian, Colombian, Norwegian, Palestinian applications shortly presented in the paper) - where our analyses have shown a specific component structure for the Hungarian respondents, which we have named MAS-H. Based on the cluster analysis, the respondents are grouped into four clusters, from rejecters to supporters, indicating the need for a differentiated social marketing programme.


The attitudes of the majority society significantly determine the conditions and opportunities for social inclusion of people with disabilities. Therefore, it is very important to know and understand these attitudes in depth, which can serve as a basis for the application of effective social marketing principles and techniques. Based on the results of the research, it is proposed to design and implement a targeted social marketing strategy and programmes for the four segments identified, in order to reinforce the positive trends that have been observed.

Author Biographies

Beáta Bihariné Kalászdi, University of Miskolc

PhD student

István Piskóti, University of Miskolc

Professor, Director


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How to Cite

Bihariné Kalászdi, B. and Piskóti, I. (2024) “Attitudes towards people with disabilities, social marketing issues”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 58(3), pp. 5–14. doi: 10.15170/MM.2024.58.03.01.


