A scoping review of tourism innovation processes that enhance business resilience to crisis, with a special focus on the organizational environment and factors of managerial decision-making


  • Noémi Rázga-Ilyés Corvinus University of Budapest




tourism, innovation, decision-making



The tourism has been shaped over the past quarter of a century by a series of unforeseen global events whose effects were difficult for experts to predict, but which have had a significant impact on the success of businesses in the sector. Like many other sectors, terrorist attacks, health crises, political conflicts leading to war and the economic phenomena they have triggered have focused the attention of tourism on the role of innovation as a key component of resilience. The aim of this study is to identify the decision factors that support innovation processes in tourism that foster crisis resilience.


To answer the research question, the author draws on narrative literature analysis, including a scoping review. The aim of a scoping review is to explore and map an area and the main conceptual frameworks associated with it. The methodology allows the author to assess what studies and their findings have previously addressed the topic.


The systematic literature review will identify the factors that shape decision-making in tourism innovation. The study will present the gaps identified in the decision-making mechanisms that catalyze tourism innovation. It concludes that innovation is increasingly needed in the tourism sector as a driver of growth, competitiveness and sustainability. In this process, managerial decision-making plays a key role within organizations. Informed managerial decision-making contributes to improved organizational performance, which can open the way for innovation processes in tourism.


The aim of the study is to provide a survey overview of the factors influencing managerial decisions in tourism innovation processes. The literature review highlights the importance of managerial decision-making in the tourism sector. On the other hand, it also points to the need for further research and development in order to broaden the theory of innovation in a tourism-specific context. Further areas of research on this topic could be to explore strategies and best practices to promote a culture of innovation in tourism enterprises.

Author Biography

Noémi Rázga-Ilyés, Corvinus University of Budapest

PhD Student


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How to Cite

Rázga-Ilyés, N. (2024) “A scoping review of tourism innovation processes that enhance business resilience to crisis, with a special focus on the organizational environment and factors of managerial decision-making”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 58(2), pp. 41–50. doi: 10.15170/MM.2024.58.02.04.




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