The concept of the impact mechanism of the factors governing the corporate adaptation of digital transformation based on the perceptions of domestic SMEs
digital transformation, Industry 4.0, adaptation, SME, managementAbstract
The aim of our paper is to identify and systematize the soft motives and management factors of digital transformation, as well as to determine their relationships with each other, based on the results of an SME-focused primary research. In the course of the research the conceptual verification of an own model takes shape, which looks at digital transformation as a management challenge.
In the course of the research, primary data collection was carried out, and linear statistical methodology was used to verify the assumptions of the research. Cohesion between the questions asked was ensured by the digital transformation, just as in the case of the model built up during multiple iterations. The analysis methodology provided the opportunity to evaluate the perceptions of the responding SMEs, quantify them, organize them into sets, and then analyze them in the light of the knowledge found in the literature.
As a result of the research, we proved that the digital transformation has a soft aspect consisting of management motives. In the case of the companies participating in the research, we proved that the elements of the factor assortment we compiled are connected to each other, have an impact on each other and on the company's digital transformation. The responding domestic SMEs resonate with the nine Digital transformation capital elements defined. The model's capital elements form an exploitable system for the corporate managements. The results must be considered as Proof of Concept (PoC). Further researches are needed for reaching more general statements.
The application of the management factors supporting digital transformation identified as a result of the research as a conscious adaptation framework can contribute to reducing the I40 lag of SMEs. For this reason, it is important to strengthen the adaptation and change management ability of companies, and to support it with methodological elements. With those that provide assistance in the identification and effective management of the intervention areas of the digital transformation from a management point of view and in emphasizing the correlations that can only be perceived indirectly in many cases.
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