Do students know how much (they do not) know? – An investigation of the Dunning–Kruger-effect among business vocational higher education students


  • András István Kun University of Debrecen
  • József Boros University of Debrecen
  • Ágnes Kotsis University of Debrecen



Dunning–Kruger-effect, higher education, vocational higher education, self-assessment



Main aims of this study are to examine the Dunning–Kruger-effect in business higher education and to investigate whether the accuracy self-assessment can be improved by increasing readiness.


The results of multiple-choice exam tests (N = 359) were compared with the students' own pre- and post-exam selfestimates in linear regression models with control variables.


Less ready students are more likely to overestimate and be more inaccurate in estimating their own performance. More prepared students are more likely to correct their self-esteem based on the experience gained. This was confirmed both during the exams and between the two exams. In all of these results, we found no gender difference.


Based on our results, both writing the test and the increase in the level of knowledge have reduced self-assessment errors, so it is recommended to increase the frequency of testing (by mid-year and / or trial tests) to mitigate the negative impacts of the Dunning–Kruger-effect.

Author Biographies

András István Kun , University of Debrecen

PhD, Associate Professor

József Boros , University of Debrecen

PhD Student

Ágnes Kotsis , University of Debrecen

PhD, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Kun , A. I., Boros , J. and Kotsis , Ágnes (2022) “Do students know how much (they do not) know? – An investigation of the Dunning–Kruger-effect among business vocational higher education students”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 56(3), pp. 7–20. doi: 10.15170/MM.2022.56.03.01.


