User preference research of autonomous vehicles


  • Tamás Ujházi University of Szeged



autonomous vehicles, conjoint analysis, preferences, safety, UTAUT



Autonomous vehicles (AV) can revolutionise mobility. One of the biggest factors of their mass implementation is consumer acceptance. There is a growing body of literature investigating consumer acceptance of AVs. The authors of these studies mostly use various versions of the available technology acceptance models. However, there is a limitation of using these models to investigate the consumer acceptance of AVs, since the respondents have no real-life experience with such technology. Our aim is to develop a research methodology in which we combine the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) with conjoint analysis to better understand the most important product attributes of an AV during the decision-making process.


In our research we use the independent variables of the UTAUT model as product attributes in a full-profile conjoint analysis. 202 respondents evaluated our cards in two steps. First, they had to put the cards in sequence (most preferred/least preferred), then they ranked each card on a 10-point Likert scale.


In our research we found that the proposed full-profile research model is capable of measuring users’ preferences towards AVs. It is also important that the ranking evaluation led to more accurate results than the preference sequence. Our results show that safety is the upmost crucial factor in the decision-making process, followed by the functional attributes and the least crucial factors are the inner characteristics.


With our findings we would like to draw the attention of AV developers and policy makers, that the safety of an AV is the most crucial factor in the users’ decision-making process. Furthermore, they are willing to pay the extra costs of a well-functioning and comfortable AV.

Author Biography

Tamás Ujházi, University of Szeged

PhD Student


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How to Cite

Ujházi, T. (2023) “User preference research of autonomous vehicles”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 57(Különszám EMOK 2), pp. 65–73. doi: 10.15170/MM.2023.57.KSZ.02.07.

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