Media consumer segments of Hungarian K-pop fans




Hallyu, Kpop fan, media consumption, segmentation



Hallyu as a cultural phenomenon influences not only the openness to Korean culture, but also the buying behavior of fans. Hungarian society is also influenced by K-pop and K-drama, therefore, the significance of K-pop related characteristics of the digital space was investigated in this study. The aim of the research is to provide a more in-depth analysis of these fans.


The authors used an internationally validated scale to assess the dimension of fandomisation of domestic fans, which served as the basis for the segmentation procedure. To this end, an online questionnaire was sent out. The core population of the survey consisted of Hungarian Hallyu fans, reached through various community groups. The survey received 495 complete responses. Correlational analyses identified the dimensions of fan engagement (factor analysis) and used this to profile consumers (analysis of variance and cluster analysis).


The multivariate analyses provided the opportunity to identify 3 distinctive segments (Fanatics, Loyal, Silent) to create customer profiles that are suitable for targeted marketing communication activities in this area. The results of the research not only support previous research findings, but also complement them by specifically investigating the behaviour of Hungarian fans in the context of digitalisation.


The consumers who represent these segments differ not only in their media consumption, but also in the way they express their K-pop enthusiasm. The characteristics identified in the research offer an opportunity for service providers to take this into account in their communications. A limitation to the usefulness of the research is that it did not take into account all Hallyu products and services and the sample cannot be considered representative.

Author Biographies

Dávid Máté Hargitai, University of Pannonia

Associate professor

Annamária Sasné Grósz, University of Pannonia

Associate professor


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How to Cite

Hargitai, D. M. and Sasné Grósz, A. (2024) “Media consumer segments of Hungarian K-pop fans”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 58(1), pp. 35–45. doi: 10.15170/MM.2024.58.01.04.


