Research opportunities for examining leadership roles and the necessity of leadership


  • Erik Márta University of Debrecen



necessity, leadership roles, behavior, management



Leadership and managerial activities are of paramount importance in the functioning of groups and organizations. This study analyzes the necessity of leadership based on underlying expectations and further elaborates on the roles arising from it, which are necessary for effective and efficient leadership. Furthermore, it connects these expectations to the development of leadership roles in order to justify the necessity of leadership as an inherent aspect of collective activities.


I examine the necessity of leadership by processing comprehensive literature sources. I investigate the most important and general expectations placed on leaders and describe the nature and reasons behind leadership roles. I present sources that articulate expectations regarding the behavior and conduct of leaders. Building upon Mintzberg's (1975) role typology, I explore the relevance of this typology in contemporary economic organizations through a review of literature. Through the conducted research, I aim to uncover which leadership roles are most prevalent in 21st-century economic organizations and identify the highest expectations regarding their fulfillment.


Leadership is a prerequisite for realizing social and economic processes. Various expectations are placed on leaders, and their fulfillment determines someone's suitability for a leadership position. Different leadership roles can be examined through these expectations, as a leader's suitability can be interpreted as alignment with the expectations of leadership roles.

Building upon Mintzberg's (1975) role typology and processing relevant literature sources, I have established that economic organizations undergo significant transformations that impact different expectations and, consequently, the development of leadership roles.


The findings of the study can contribute to a deeper understanding of leadership activities and potentially support drawing far-reaching conclusions. A better understanding of the expectations associated with leadership and leaders can lead to the sustainability and development of groups.

Author Biography

Erik Márta, University of Debrecen

PhD Student


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How to Cite

Márta, E. (2023) “Research opportunities for examining leadership roles and the necessity of leadership”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 57(2), pp. 27–36. doi: 10.15170/MM.2023.57.02.03.


