„Please think about the environment before you print this article!" - The role of internal marketing in mediating the environmental protection efforts of organizations and its effect on young employee satisfaction





internal marketing, environmental protection, environmental impact, employee satisfaction



The study examines how employee satisfaction is influenced by news about the environmental impact of the employer organization, and how the organization can bring this effect under control with internal marketing tools.


Due to the under-researched nature of the topic, an exploratory, qualitative analysis was conducted. 76 respondents of university age took part in the research, who wrote a description of their workplace according to predetermined criteria. This approach made it possible to get to know the opinion of the younger generation on the issue in a wider range (from one-person businesses to multi-companies with several thousand people, from profit-oriented businesses to actors in the non-profit sector).


An important result of the study is that internal marketing can have both positive and negative effects on employee satisfaction. In order to exploit the positive effect, organizations must synchronize the level of their environmental protection activity with the level of communication about it. As an additional result, a model was set up that interprets the role of news reports on the organization's environmental impact in workplace satisfaction from the employees' perspective.


Organizations must pay special attention to providing adequate information to their employees. In addition to the coordination of internal marketing channels, it should also be an important aspect that the actual activity (environmental impact) and the news about them are in sync, because contradictions can erode the commitment of the organization's members.

Author Biography

József Hubert, Budapest Corvinus Egyetem

Assistant professor


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How to Cite

Hubert, J. (2023) “„Please think about the environment before you print this article!" - The role of internal marketing in mediating the environmental protection efforts of organizations and its effect on young employee satisfaction”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 57(3), pp. 58–67. doi: 10.15170/MM.2023.57.03.06.


