Analysis of higher education students’ job expectations using Kano-model


  • Ágnes Kotsis University of Debrecen
  • Balázs Darnai University of Debrecen



Kano-model, workplace features, job expectations, satisfaction



The aim of the study is to examine the job expectations of higher education students according to the five categories of product quality, i.e. to identify the expected, one-dimensional, attractive, reversal and neutral characteristics. Our primary goal was to get an idea about the most important characteristics of work for students, and their impact on satisfaction. Second, to examine whether there is a difference between the expectations of students in different courses in higher education.


The questionnaire survey was conducted by asking N = 390 students of the University of Debrecen and the University of Nyíregyháza at three levels of higher education (vocational higher education and undergraduate and master) mostly on the field of economic and engineering. The results were presented based on the evaluation methodology of the Kano-model and its improved V model to determine the most common category. In addition, satisfaction (SI) and dissatisfaction (DI) indices were analyzed by gender, age, and education level by running a statistical f-test.


According to Kano-model, work is a desired product for students, they have no basic expectations of it. The only difference between the level of education is that the career opportunity was a somewhat expected attribute for master chemistry students. In the field of economics for bachelor and vocational students, attractive performance characteristics seem to provide the basis for job selection instead of basic expectations, as their absence causes dissatisfaction, but their existence is accompanied by a feeling of satisfaction. These are pay, career opportunities, and relationships with co-workers. Slightly attractive traits are utilization of ability and knowledge, duration of employment, modern environment, relationship with the boss, while moderately attractive match of education field, home-office. For men, many attributes of work’s content and type of owner are neutral, while for women they are somewhat attractive or appealing. The matching of education is also a neutral feature of both sexes, ie it is not important when looking for a job, if there is a career opportunity, a suitable salary. Men are less interested in some feature, while women became more happier with the same features.


When hiring recent graduates, it is important for employers to be aware of the factors that affect satisfaction, as dissatisfaction is associated with lower productivity and higher fluctuations. It can even help with recruitment selection and job planning, which can clearly contribute to the development of an employer reputation in the long run. It is worthwhile to communicate salary and career opportunities to applicants in advance, to test the relationship with employees within a probationary period.

Author Biographies

Ágnes Kotsis , University of Debrecen

PhD, Assistant Professor

Balázs Darnai , University of Debrecen

Assistant research fellow


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How to Cite

Kotsis , Ágnes and Darnai , B. (2022) “Analysis of higher education students’ job expectations using Kano-model”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 56(3), pp. 43–53. doi: 10.15170/MM.2022.56.03.04.




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