Investigation of the factors of opening to the business sphere on the example of a domestic higher education institution
higher education management, business sphere, interaction, attitude formationAbstract
The aim of the present study is to show, through the example of a university of applied sciences, whether the creation of proximity to the business sphere leads to a "management revolution", i. e. what processes led to the formation of new relationships.
The method used is a review of the domestic and international literature on higher education, which deals with the topic of higher education and corporate relations, on the one hand, all those documents that prescribe the direction of the domestic higher education (Bologna system, dual training, chancellery system, model change), as well as the documents of the examined institution. Among the latter, the ones that give an idea of what changes the management introduced at the organizational level in order to create harmony regarding the attitude, and how it affected the formation of corporate relations, are especially important.
The transformation of higher education and the appearance of the ideas of the sectoral company relationship system gave universities the opportunity to develop a new operating model. Where higher education and the business sphere can establish an innovative and inspiring relationship between each other, a strategic sectoral role can emerge, and the institution can become a central factor in this space. During all these processes, the operation of the management can be expanded with corporate attitudes.
In a time of communication management revolution, the changing higher education can provide adaptable content for other organizational cultures experiencing extraordinary dynamics and are open to innovative cognitions.
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