Social marketing in the complex system of sustainability - related HR challenges


  • Anikó Klausmann-Dinya Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  • László Dinya Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences



Keywords: sustainability, social marketing, HR challenges



The need to take into account sustainability challenges is increasingly coming to the fore during development programs at the project-, settlement- and regional level. Every local development program must take into account its effects on the social, economic and natural environment affecting the entire region. And, by definition, it is necessary to calculate not only the economic capital, but also the desirable development of the available (or possibly hindering) human, social and natural capital, if a project is planned to be maintained in the longer term. These are typical situations in touristic, energy, and food chain development programs. We would like to present the development model developed by us and also used in practice, which, according to our experience, can provide useful help for this. It is an important principle that social marketing and HR considerations cannot be ignored when human/knowledge/capital and/or community (social) capital are often bottlenecks that can hinder development in a given area.


The developed model is based on a comprehensive literature synthesis, during which we also validated the requirements of practical applicability. The on-site diagnosis that forms the basis of the developments means the evaluation of the twenty most important factors belonging to the five pillars of the local conditions. The evaluation is carried out by interviewing a wide range of local experts in several focus groups using a questionnaire. We present this using a case study.


The experience of the practical application of the developed model convincingly proved that the preference for "best practice" is not possible in the case of projects aimed at the realization of complex sustainability. Only "good practices" based on detailed diagnoses suited to local conditions can lead to results. In connection with our projects, it has been confirmed by experience that social marketing is essential for all local development that has something to do with sustainability, and that it cannot be effective without the involvement of the community and the simultaneous development of human (knowledge) capital. However, the vast majority of projects are like this, and will be like this in the future.


The model we have developed and successfully applied can provide useful assistance for mapping local features, opportunities and threats in the case of local (regional) development projects aimed at sustainability. The deployment of social marketing and HR tools can ensure that the project can be sustainable in the longer term, not only economically, but also from a social and natural environmental point of view. It is an important condition that such experts participate in the planning and then in the implementation too.

Author Biographies

Anikó Klausmann-Dinya, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Assistant Lecturer

László Dinya, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Emeritus Professor


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How to Cite

Klausmann-Dinya, A. and Dinya, L. (2023) “Social marketing in the complex system of sustainability - related HR challenges”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 57(Különszám EMOK 2), pp. 5–14. doi: 10.15170/MM.2023.57.KSZ.02.01.