Topic modelling of spa visitor reviews using the example of Gellért Spa and Swimming Pool


  • Mátyás Hinek Budapest Metropolitan University



natural language processing, topic modelling, latent Dirichlet distribution, Gellért Spa and Swimming Pool



The study presents the results of a computer based topical modelling of guest reviews written by visitors of the Gellért Spa and Swimming Pool between 2004 and 2021. From a tourism marketing point of view, the analysis of guest reviews is of particular importance, especially for attractions with a high turnover of visitors. The Gellért is an iconic monumental bath of Budapest and Hungary, a health tourism attraction that is an unmissable experience for many visitors to Budapest. This is reflected in the more than 10,000 guest reviews written in almost 30 languages on Tripadvisor over the last decade and a half, a number so huge that it can only be comprehensively understood by machine.


All reviews written on Tripadvisor between 2005 and 2021 were downloaded using a dedicated app. Reviews written in languages other than English were translated into English using Google Translate. The resulting corpus was analysed using structured topic modelling with latent Dirichlet allocation, a rapidly developing method in text mining, to identify the topics that typically occur in multiple guest reviews. We did this using the statistical software R and the structured topic modelling application STM running in R environment.


The modelling identified 12 typical themes across the guest reviews. These were also compared with an earlier analysis of the same corpus based on word frequency analysis, which showed that similar themes could be identified using both methodologies.  We also separately analysed the representation of opinions on service features that were largely negatively evaluated by guests over the time horizon studied. According to this, the proportion of themes related to hygiene and cleanliness increased, while the proportion of themes related to guest communication, also largely negatively rated, decreased in the written guest reviews of the Gellért Spa.

Author Biography

Mátyás Hinek, Budapest Metropolitan University

College Professor


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How to Cite

Hinek, M. (2022) “Topic modelling of spa visitor reviews using the example of Gellért Spa and Swimming Pool”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 55(4), pp. 27–38. doi: 10.15170/MM.2021.55.04.03.




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