Pro bono voluntary activity among the young generation in a values-based approach
generations, value based segmentation, voluntary activityAbstract
The aim of the study is to validate models that emphasise a value systems approach to consumer behaviour in order to investigate self-expression. In the framework of the study, I analysed how attitudes towards volunteering, including volunteering based on pro bono knowledge sharing, are related to young people's general value perceptions.
In this study, I present the partial results of an international quantitative primary research, focusing on the characteristics of the domestic sample. In a snowball sampling procedure, a pre-tested standardised questionnaire online survey was used in all countries participating in the project. In Hungary, 840 evaluable questionnaires were processed.
Based on the results of the research, I was able to confirm that openness to volunteering and willingness to participate in pro bono activities based on knowledge sharing is related to a core value approach. On the basis of the value perspective, I was able to characterise four segments that are significantly distinguishable from each other: the "Life-loving helpful young people" who are seekers of adventure, excitement and risk. The group of "Outsiders", for whom the expression of social status was most important. The segment of "Self-centred adventurers", who follow hedonistic values, and the segment of "Empathetic young people with responsibility", who were characterised by social sensitivity and social responsibility. For the segments according to values, a statistically verifiable correlation was found with the willingness to volunteer, including pro bono activities.
The primary findings presented in this study support the idea that value orientation explains well the real motivations behind our decisions in both volunteering and pro bono activities. Value orientation can also be used as a segmentation criterion in the promotion of volunteering programmes, which can be a good starting point for targeting additional potential target groups and strengthening the motivation of those committed to volunteering.
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