The Holistic Service Experience - Guest Journey and Customer Co-creation Dimensions in the case of Art and Ruin Pubs


  • Anikó Kelemen-Erdős Óbudai Egyetem Keleti Károly Gazdasági Kar Gazdaság- és Társadalomtudományi Intézet
  • Ariel Mitev Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Marketing és Média Intézet


Customer-dominant logic, co-creation, customer experience, customer journey, hospitality



To describe an investigation of the holistic customer experience and potential areas of co-creation in the case of art and ruin pubs as a part of the tourism and hospitality sector. By examining visitors’journey, the components and touchpoints of the service experience are explored, including the effects of the servicescape, consumer roles, customer motivation and attitudes and perceptions in the context of value co-creation.


The key feature of economic processes is consumer participation, as described in service-dominant logic (SD logic), and in the novel approach, customer-dominant logic (CD logic). SD logic assumes that consumer participation is a prerequisite for value co-creation, while CD logic allows more leeway in decision-making situations to consumers and service providers, its framework and system are conducted. A qualitative approach was employed in this research effort, based on 95 valid interviews. Informed grounded theory methodology is used to explore the service experience throughout the period of consumer journey.


The investigation is conducted in a novel perspective that is related to consumer experience, defined as the journey of a guest through an art and ruin pub servicescape context. Results refer to the service experience and value creation process elements, as well as to physical and mental touch- points, consumer participation and the constraints and opportunities related to value co-creation.


Results show that customer engagement is greatest with the site of the provision of services as a value co-creation opportunity, as determined by ideas. The intensity of customer involvement can be encouraged by gamification. Guests are willing to voluntarily supply their personal ideas in the form of message boards, suggestion boxes, or in the form of a short questionnaire which addresses the issues 1 ) assortment, 2) musical style, and 3) program choice.




How to Cite

Kelemen-Erdős, A. and Mitev, A. (2019) “The Holistic Service Experience - Guest Journey and Customer Co-creation Dimensions in the case of Art and Ruin Pubs”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 50(3-4), pp. 88–101. Available at: (Accessed: 23 September 2024).




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