Roma Youth and Roma Student Societies in the Hungarian Higher Education in the Light of Process-based Model of Inclusion


  • Aranka Varga
  • Fanni Trendl



higher education, Roma students, elements of a successful support organisation


Organisations and their programmes that specifically address target groups play an important role in creating inclusive educational environments. In this study, through the life stories of Roma students and by examining, describing, and analysing their formal
community (the Roma Student Society Network), the authors present principles and dynamics in a model, which may be used as a basis for creating an inclusive environment in the specific context of a university. Our aim in writing this paper is to detail and embed in a process-based model of inclusion the capital accumulation provided by the Roma Student Society, an organisational structure that offers successful social mobility pathways for Roma students. Furthermore, by presenting the results of an empirical study about the Wlislocki Henrik Roma Student Society (WHSz) at the University of Pécs in Hungary and comparing this data to the research results of Roma student societies in other educational institutions across the country, the authors will try to demonstrate and model the necessity, success, and adaptability of WHSz as a support programme.


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Author Biography

Aranka Varga

Dr. Varga has recently been involved in a four-year research-development program founded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, aiming to establish an equitable intervention in the public school system. In 2018, she has published a longitudinal research study in sociolinguistics about the disadvantages deriving from the public education system’s mono-cultural features (duration of 20 years). Her participation in and contribution to the Hungarian discourse of educational diversity and inclusion is cutting-edge and game changing. She is also a developer and the founding member, manager, and leader of many civil organizations, student societies, providing services for youngsters in the state care, Roma learners, children with low socio-economic status. In 2019, she was the president of the largest annual academic conference in education sciences, hosted by the Hungarian Academy of Science with more than 600 researcher scholars participating.




How to Cite

Varga, A., & Trendl, F. (2022). Roma Youth and Roma Student Societies in the Hungarian Higher Education in the Light of Process-based Model of Inclusion. Autonomy and Responsibility Journal of Educational Sciences, 7(1), 19–36.