Publication Policy

Autonomy and Responsibility Journal of Educational Sciencesis committed to publishing the results of quality research in accordance with the ethical expectations and norms of the professional-scientific community. The manuscripts received are published on the basis of their significance, originality, the expectations of our readers as well as their quality, and commercial or political gain does not influence the editorial decisions.

The journal publishes two issues per year, but publication is continuous within the framework of the Online First publication model (see Publication Policy/Publication Model). 


Publication Model

Online First

Autonomy and responsibility The Journal of Educational Sciences is committed to publishing quality research results in accordance with the ethical standards and norms of the professional-scientific community. An important element of the journal's publication model is the Online First Model. 

Online First Articles are accepted and edited peer-reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/numbers. This means that readers have access to peer-reviewed articles well in advance of print publication. These articles are searchable on the journal's website and can be cited using their unique DOI (Digital Object Identifier). Once a sufficient number of articles are received, they are sorted into issues and transferred from Online First to the current issue. 

Peer-review model

Peer review is a key element of the high quality content published in ARJES. All content in ARJES undergoes double-blind peer review, with the aim of peer reviewers providing advice on each manuscript and recommendations for publication and/or improvement of the article. The only exception to peer review is the Editor-in-Chief's Introduction, which appears in every issue of the journal.


The journal routinely screens submitted articles for plagiarism. ARJES uses TurnitIn software provided by the University of Pécs (More information)


Schedule for the publication of the manuscript

The average time during which the preliminary assessment of manuscripts is conducted: 15 days
The average time during which the reviews of manuscripts are conducted: 60 days
The average time in which the article is published: 90 days


Publication fees, access and copyright

Articles published in the journal are Open Access, once they have gone through the publication process (peer-review, copyediting, production), they are immediately available online (Online First) free of charge on publication and can be downloaded without charge. (See the Online First section for more information).

The journal does not charge authors for the publication of their articles (article processing charges - APC), nor for any other procedures (e.g. editorial processing charges, language editing fees, colour charges, submission fees, page charges, membership fees, print subscription costs, other supplementary charges...etc.)

Publication rights to the published material will be transferred to the journal after publication in accordance with the terms of the publishing contract.


Pécs, February 8, 2022

Editorial Board of Autonomy and Responsibility Journal of Educational Sciences