„Puszta, tshikosh, goulash” and Hungary’s image - Expectations of the council of country branding


  • Barbara Jenes Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Marketing és Média Intézet


country image, country branding, Council of Country Branding


In any form of country communication, the consensus of participants and elements is of crucial importance. In recent years Hungary has had a lack of coordination between the main elements of reputation management (destination and country branding, public and cultural diplomacy) and it has led to a lack of continuity and strategic approach. This is why in January 2009 a Council of Country Branding formed and started to work on the Hungary-brand. After it was founded, the Council declared the ‘Puszta, tshikosh, goulash’ image would be removed from Hungary’s image. It raises the question ,ls the cultural and historical image of the Great Plains a part of Hungary’s reputation?’And can it be removed from the Hungarybrand elements, or is there a place for it in a modern country image? This paper has concentrated on the emergence of place branding in Hungary and has outlined the most important questions and challenges that this council would be facing in developing a comprehensive country brand.




How to Cite

Jenes, B. (2019) “„Puszta, tshikosh, goulash” and Hungary’s image - Expectations of the council of country branding”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 43(2), pp. 64–72. Available at: https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/mm/article/view/733 (Accessed: 16 February 2025).



Country image, country branding