Where do construction project management leaders as the Generation Y bursts forward? Pilot study results





construction industry, project management abilities, project manager, generation



This research focuses on the differences between project managers from generation X and Y (Xgen, Ygen), working for project-based companies. The pilot study aims to reveal the project management differences related to generational change, targeting the individual, the workplace and the sectoral level at the construction industry, with further research suggestions.


Answering the research questions the results of the literature review were compared with the answers of semi-structured interviews at construction industry, project-based companies and made more precise by statistical analysis of a questionnaire measuring the importance of 17 project managers’ abilities. The questionnaire was completed in January 2022, by 31 project managers. Interviews were made in May and June 2022. Regarding to the number of samples the authors refer to this study as a pilot one.


This pilot study reveals that the differences between project managers’ abilities of the Xgen and Ygen in the construction industry show variance from a sector-independent study, in point of the ability of decision, communication, and resilience. Changes according to the entering of the Ygen effect on the scope of activities, the employer’s requirements and the salary.


The Ygen’s demand of fast carrier making and high payment affects the level of construction project management, and fluctuation. Besides, the positions which can be fulfilled on the working site and require university degree as well as wide technical experience (like site manager, junior site manager) are disappearing, or occupied by employees with lower education, resulting a deeper gap between white and blue collar workers. Profounder understanding of the Ygen’s motivation and abilities, furthermore the increasing of sample could make the results more precise.

Author Biographies

Anikó Csepregi, University of Pannonia

Associate Professor

Melinda Pápai, University of Pannonia

PhD Student


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How to Cite

Csepregi, A. and Pápai, M. (2023) “Where do construction project management leaders as the Generation Y bursts forward? Pilot study results: ”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 57(2), pp. 51–60. doi: 10.15170/MM.2023.57.02.05.


