What the charging station of the future has to offer? Results of qualitative research on the consumer needs of filling stations in Hungary
fuel trade, filling stations, consumer behavior, shop choice dimensions, consumer generationsAbstract
Technology, regulatory and consumption environments have changed, thus filling stations in their original functions are in decline. Understanding the change in consumer behavior is also essential to meet this challenge, so in our study we look at how customer needs are changing, what services are awaited, and overall, how the filling stations of the future should be designed.
Our three-pillar hybrid research consist of a review of literature on consumer behavior and shop choice, focus group research, and an online survey. In this study, we summerize literature and the generation-specific consumer knowledge, experiences and needs brought to the surface by the two focus groups in Budapest. The senior consumer group consisted of drivers aged 35-50, while the junior group consisted of those aged 20-33. Each group formed homogeneous unit along frequent filling station visits and car use in the capital and the agglomeration.
Focus group research has confirmed a number of known consumer behavioral and shop choice dimensions, so survey has identified also among service station visitors the phenomenon of increased price sensitivity, time, convenience, and personal flexibility that may override even sustainability considerations. As unique result we pointed out that as long as senior group members are more and more open to digital solutions serving their convenience, the junior group is not only conscious in this respect, but also a bit distrustful.
Reflecting on identified consumer patterns, our proposals envisage ever-expanding service content at the filling stations of the future, which will be able to charge electric cars in as little as 30 minutes. In addition, time-appropriate services will be a key requirement for the convenience of consumers on the road; especially coffee service is inevitable, that is hardly expected by both focus groups.
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