"Keep calm and stay at home!" – Recreational sport consumer behaviour of Generations X, Y and Z in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic


  • Kornélia Kiss Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Sára Hegedüs Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Réka Fekete Corvinus University of Budapest




leisure sports, sports consumption, consumer behaviour, generations



Although the amount of leisure time in developed countries is constantly increasing, a significant part of society does not use its leisure time properly: it mainly engages in passive leisure activities and spends a small part of its time on active recreation. The COVID-19 pandemic, which fundamentally changed life in every corner of the world, has amplified this phenomenon, with restrictions imposed by the pandemic significantly affecting some forms of leisure, while making it impossible for others, including travel and tourism. The aim of our study is to examine the change in recreational sports consumption patterns in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic for Generations X, Y, and Z.


We used qualitative research, namely in-depth interviews, to answer our research questions regarding active leisure sports consumer behaviour, sports consumption habits, online and offline sports experience and sports motivation.


Based on the evidence of our exploratory research, the restrictions introduced due to the coronavirus epidemic had a significant effect on the consumption of recreational sports and sports experiences of the X, Y and Z Generations, and new consumption patterns appeared. The closure of sports facilities has mainly hit the younger generations, but overall, the sports activities of all three Generations examined have been relocated to home and / or outdoor venues. Online sports alternatives were only “exploited” by the younger generations, members of Generation X were averse to them. As a result of the pandemic, mainly young people are beginning to re-evaluate the health-preserving function of sport, their growing health awareness is embodied primarily in more frequent exercise and a healthy lifestyle.


The generation-focused study of the changes in recreational sports consumption patterns, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic enriches the literature with new results.

Based on our results, organizations involved in leisure and tourism can make decisions taking into account the characteristics of generation-based consumer segments. The results of changes in sports consumption patterns due to the COVID-19 epidemic may also be a useful implication. Knowledge of sports consumption patterns and sports motivation of different generations can provide a good basis for promoting lifestyle change, developing educational content and communicating to consumers.

Author Biographies

Kornélia Kiss, Corvinus University of Budapest

Associate Professor

Sára Hegedüs, Corvinus University of Budapest

PhD Student

Réka Fekete, Corvinus University of Budapest

MSc Student


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How to Cite

Kiss, K., Hegedüs, S. and Fekete, R. (2022) “‘Keep calm and stay at home!’ – Recreational sport consumer behaviour of Generations X, Y and Z in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 55(4), pp. 51–60. doi: 10.15170/MM.2021.55.04.05.


