Possible definitions of the concept of data usage





Data, Data usage, DIKW pyramid


The use of data is becoming increasingly important, both from a technological and legal research perspective. This paper aims to examine the first element of the conceptual pair of data utilisation, in order to address the current patchy and often misunderstood state of affairs. To this end, the existing literature and practice will be used to shed light on the concept of data from several perspectives, in particular to facilitate future research on its use.

Author Biography

Gergő Kollár, University of Pécs, Faculty of Law

Assistant research fellow

Department of Technology Law and Energy Law 

University of Pécs, Faculty of Law

Corresponding address: kollar.gergo@ajk.pte.hu


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How to Cite

Kollár, G. “Possible Definitions of the Concept of Data Usage”. Közigazgatási és Infokommunikációs Jogi PhD Tanulmányok (PhD Studies in Administrative and ICT Law), vol. 5, no. 1, Apr. 2024, pp. 16-37, doi:10.47272/KIKPhD.2024.1.2.


