Digital device use of generation Z during their leisure travels


  • Judit Grotte Kodolányi János Egyetem, Fenntartható Gazdaság Intézet, Turizmus Tanszék
  • Ilona Béres Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem, Módszertani Intézet
  • Tímea Magyar Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem, Módszertani Intézet
  • Eszter Marczellné Szilágyi Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem, Üzleti Tudományok Intézete



generation Z, ICT, digital device use, travel habits


The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the service sector, including tourism and education, enables more effective communication between service providers and consumers. Service processes supported by technology also promote the creation of more effective individual and group learning processes. In addition, the spread of digital data processing also assists the branches of the service sector in developing higher-level and more effective communication strategies. The purpose of our primary research is to assess how Budapest university students use online tools before, during and after their trips, and which platforms they actively use for these purposes (be it price comparison, application use during travel, discount airlines, or even the from online booking sites). The study analyzes the attitudes and previous experiences of our students regarding the application of technological tools when using tourist services.



How to Cite

Grotte, J., Béres, I., Magyar, T., & Marczellné Szilágyi , E. (2023). Digital device use of generation Z during their leisure travels. Tourism and Rural Development Studies, 8(3).