„Duty Is the Very First”

Soma Beck (1872–1930), the Founding Professor of the Dermatological Clinic of the Elisabeth University





Soma Beck, dermatology, venereology, Elisabeth University, Faculty of Medicine


In addition to his duty as a doctor, the professor also did significant work in the field of university education and research. He had a valuable collection of moulage casts made at the clinic, which were used in his education, and laid the foundation for the clinic's library as well by donating his special collection to the library. His scientific expertise covered cancer research, skin diseases in infancy, and the treatment of wartime frostbite. His most significant work is the volume “Die fine Architektur der primären Hautcarcinome”, co-authored with Ödön Krompecher, in which they examined cancerous tumours of the skin. He was the first to describe the infantile skin disease called erythema myoticum infantile. He also developed two egg oil-based ointments.


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Author Biography

Krisztina Dezső, University of Pécs, Library and Knowledge Centre, Historical Collection Department

head of department, librarian, museologist


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How to Cite

Dezső, K. (2023). „Duty Is the Very First”: Soma Beck (1872–1930), the Founding Professor of the Dermatological Clinic of the Elisabeth University. Per Aspera Ad Astra, 9(2), 156–178. https://doi.org/10.15170/PAAA.2022.09.02.08.

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