Brand for president – new ways of brand’s social activism and it’s effect on CSR communication


  • Lilla Lipták University of Szeged



CSR communication, branding, social values



Nowadays brand tend to take on not just the generally accepted positive values (eg. environmental protection, fight against poverty) but also more divisive roles, and even take part in actual political debates. In our study we examine this new ways of brand responsibility. The aim of our study is to come up with questions and problems regarding a new CSR communication phenomena, which can be a good base for further and deeper studies in this topic. So, for now our purpose was not to do a deep primer examination.


First, we review the consumer trends that foster this new ways of social responsibility. Than we highlight some practical examples from global brands that exemplifies the novel approaches of CSR communication.


The results are mixed. In one hand it is clear that the more divisive values results in more publicity for the brand. However, on the other hand it is debatable when a brand takes on a role by his own will that results in protests from some of its consumers. It is interesting that these protests are fueling the supporters of the brand also who are protecting the brand and at the end of the day this strategy can result in a profitable conclusion.


Our study only focused on the presentation of a new phenomenon, so it would be very difficult to make any deep recommendations. However, it is sure that before a company starts a similar communcation strategy, it has to consider the potential positive and also negative effects of it. Based on these it can decide whether it is worth to try this kind of CSR communication.

Acknowledgement: Supported by the ÚNKP-19-3 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology.

Author Biography

Lilla Lipták , University of Szeged

Assistant Lecturer




How to Cite

Lipták , L. (2020) “Brand for president – new ways of brand’s social activism and it’s effect on CSR communication”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 54(Különszám 3), pp. 45–54. doi: 10.15170/MM.2020.54.KSZ.III.05.