“Brand New World” - The Brand Values of Nations


  • Árpád Ferenc Papp-Váry University of West Hungary Faculty of Economics


„According to some estimates, brand value could be as much as one-third of the entire value of global wealth (Anholt 2005, page 2). No wonder that we can visualize a time when the marketing concept itself will become obsolete, to be replaced by a new concept called “branding” (Ries - Ries 2002, page x). But what is a “brand”? And what is a “country brand”? Is it possible to measure somehow the brand values of nations?




Hogyan kell idézni

Papp-Váry, Árpád F. (2019) „“Brand New World” - The Brand Values of Nations”, Marketing & Menedzsment, 40(2-3), o. 114–119. Elérhető: https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/mm/article/view/756 (Elérés: 16 február 2025).

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