Use of telecommunication tools in non-interventional (in-vitro) research


  • Dóra Turcsiné Czapári University of Pécs, Faculty of Law



scientific research, data protection, telecommunication tools, human medical research


The COVID-19 outbreak posed major new challenges for almost all sectors, but especially for health and medicine: the control of the virus required the minimisation of human contacts and encounters, which was particularly important for health workers, whose protection was essential in this situation.

This situation has put medical researchers in a difficult position, as personal meetings between the researcher and the patient are an essential requirement for involvement in research, due to the regulations on information and patient involvement. In the current situation, the provisions designed to protect the individual have proved to be more of a hindrance to scientific research and, one might say, a restriction on the freedom of scientific research as declared in Article X of the Hungarian Fundamental Law. The present study examines the applicability of telecommunication tools as a possible solution to this problem.


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Author Biography

Dóra Turcsiné Czapári, University of Pécs, Faculty of Law

Doctorate student, University of Pécs, Faculty of Law, Department of Administrative Law, ICT Law Group

Corresponding address:


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How to Cite

Turcsiné Czapári, D. “Use of Telecommunication Tools in Non-Interventional (in-Vitro) Research”. Közigazgatási és Infokommunikációs Jogi PhD Tanulmányok (PhD Studies in Administrative and ICT Law), vol. 2, no. 1, July 2021, pp. 5-16, doi:10.47272/KIKPhD.2021.1.1.


