

  • Gábor Búr


The 2013 winter issue of Afrika Tanulmányok again deals with African women as its central theme (in 2010 we devoted an entire issue to studies covering the gender question from different angles, see: Vol. 4, No. 3). This time Judit Bagi offers an East African overview, by which we learn about the quota system, which in fact contributed to a quick process in the political representation of women. She looks at the members of the East African Community, in particular Rwanda, which has the highest proportion of female MPs in its parliament (64%). While Zoltán Vörös critically investigates one of the most significant and highly complex dimensions of Afro-Asian relations, the security threats of Sino-African trade, Máté Deák writes about the history of the role of Africa in the perception of the airspace of North and South America from British geopolitical considerations between 1919 and 1939. A truly unique piece of the current issue is authored by Sába Tesfay, who looks into the social context of the growing expenses of weddings among the Tigrinya-speaking people in Highland Eritrea. At the time of the actual publication date of the winter issue, Ildikó Turóczi is still in the field, as she has been working in the Esu tribal kingdom in North-Western Cameroon. She writes her essay about the wedding traditions of the kingdom. The last block of the issue contains two book reviews from the French literature: Mihály Benkes shares his thoughts about two significant volumes of African politics, one of which is particularly close to our heart as it is authored by Hungarian scholar András István Türke, published by L’Harmattan in Paris. We are sure that with this rich issue we are closing a substantial 7th volume, and very much look forward to the eighth in 2014. In the meantime, on behalf of our athours, editors and the entire staff of our publisher, I wish all our readers enjoyable moments with our journal, and for the forthcoming holidays: all the compliments of the season, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Gábor Búr




How to Cite

Búr, G. (2013). Editorial. Hungarian Journal of African Studies / Afrika Tanulmányok, 7(4), 1. Retrieved from https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/afrikatanulmanyok/article/view/4217