Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) specific HR auditing at an HR service provider organization - Insights from a pilot study




small-and medium sized enterprises, human resources, HR, consulting, outsourcing



Our goal is to explore the characteristics of a novel, SME specific audit method created by an HR service provider. We seek answers to whether this innovative method is suitable for addressing the question of which HR areas SMEs should outsource to an external HR service provider.


We based our investigation of HR support and outsourcing on an analysis of domestic and international literature with additional secondary research, and conducted a case study based on document analysis. In this context, a case study means that HR experts conducting the audit performed document analysis, which we examined using case study method, providing detailed insight into the practices of a service provider operating in the SME sector. We complemented the study with structured interviews with HR experts and for verification, conducted an interview with the SME's top executive.


Based on the results, the audit proved effective in enabling SMEs to make decisions regarding the outsourcing of HR activities, optimizing resource utilization. The method assisted in uncovering current HR practices and making decisions aimed at efficient resource utilization.

The application of the HR audit method in the SME sector is a new topic, which is relatively underrepresented in domestic literature. This fact alone justifies its significance. Outsourcing HR functions and effective management of human resources have always been of paramount importance to businesses, but the lack of comprehensive methods has limited effective decision-making.


Our aim was to provide new perspectives for SMEs to enhance HR practices and make outsourcing decisions. The HR audit method represents innovative approach, offering decision support to SMEs in effective HR management and outsourcing, thereby improving competitiveness.

Author Biographies

Judit Török-Kmoskó, University of Debrecen

PhD Student

Krisztina Dajnoki, University of Debrecen



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How to Cite

Török-Kmoskó, J. and Dajnoki, K. (2023) “Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) specific HR auditing at an HR service provider organization - Insights from a pilot study”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 57(3), pp. 17–26. doi: 10.15170/MM.2023.57.03.02.


