Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): 2023/I.

					View Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): 2023/I.

Change is now an everyday part of our lives, and perhaps it is the speed and direction of change, rather than its constant presence, that is the driving force behind our thinking and thus scientific inquiry.

Reflection on this change is now reflected not only in the papers published in this issue, but also in the work of our editorial team. This is the first issue to be published with an international editorial board, now largely made up of foreign experts. This change is also reflected in the authors of the journal and in the articles published - most of the manuscripts are published in a foreign language to ensure a proper scientific discourse on the topics covered in the studies, and the authors now also clearly include international scholars.

From this year onwards, continuing to build up the professional work of our journal, we have implemented further developments with the support of the internal scientific tender of the University of Pécs: our journal has moved to a new website that meets all professional expectations, its content and interfaces are now available in Hungarian and English, and we are continuously expanding the range of Hungarian and international professional databases and indexes which include the articles published in our journal. Also this year, our Editorial team has been expanded with the arrival of a permanent linguistic supervisor. We can therefore look forward to the future with excitement, and our authors' writings provide excellent "signposts" for the new challenges ahead.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank, on behalf of the Publisher, our authors for their efforts, the members of the Editorial Board and the reviewers for their acceptance of our invitation and their dedicated work. Special thanks are due to the staff of the South Transdanubian Regional Library and Knowledge Centre, who assist us in so many ways in the publication of our journal.

I wish all readers a good professional "immersion"!

Published: 2023-10-31

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