"On vit là tous ensemble on survit". African diasporas in France through Tiken Jah Fakoly's song Africain à Paris


  • Bence Peszmeg




migration, diaspora, decolonisation, French-African relations


In everyday explanations of the characteristics of African diasporas and African migration, in addition to historical traditions, the experience of individuals thereof and their social and political implications are often pushed aside. This article focuses on the analysis of one of the continent's most significant system critic artists Tiken Jah Fakoly’s political activism related to diasporas through his music, detailing the roots of Fakoly's political engagement, the theme of African migration, and through his song ‘Africain à Paris’, it examines the state of African diasporas in France, in the context of French-African relations, decolonization and African migration.

Author Biography

Bence Peszmeg

International relations expert BA,
Editorial assistant, Hungarian Journal of African Studies




How to Cite

Peszmeg, B. (2024). "On vit là tous ensemble on survit". African diasporas in France through Tiken Jah Fakoly’s song Africain à Paris. Hungarian Journal of African Studies / Afrika Tanulmányok, 17(2), 43–55. https://doi.org/10.15170/AT.2023.17.2.3