Exploring control and support in the probation services in the penitentiary system


  • Zoltán Mitrovics University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Institute of Social Relations, Department of Community and Social Studies https://orcid.org/0009-0007-1806-5733




probation, penitentiary system, control, support, penal measure


A significant organisational change occurred in the domestic probation system in 2014, distinguishing between two types of probation activities that have replaced the previously unified probation service. As a result, the execution of probation officer tasks related to probation supervisory duties, existing or ordered by law for the duration of the conditional release, were transferred from the government offices to the penitentiary system. The penitentiary probation officers (hereafter: probation officers) started their work in the penitentiary institutions. In this study, I will present the results of a research conducted in 2020/2021. This research explores the role of probation officers working in the domestic penitentiary system providing reintegration services – with a special focus on their support and control functions.




How to Cite

Mitrovics, Z. (2024). Exploring control and support in the probation services in the penitentiary system. Social Review, 17(2), 19–34. https://doi.org/10.15170/SocRev.2024.17.02.02