About the Journal

Social Review provides a forum for social professionals and academics to share their latest advances in knowledge and practice in the field of social work. Articles accepted for publication are:

  • empirical studies especially those regarding social programme evaluation and other areas of applied social research;
  • theoretical and methodological developments in social work;
  • reflections on social work practice;
  • interviews and literature reviews.

HU ISSN: 1789-6983 (print)

HU ISSN: 2732-1258 (online)

2 issues per year (June and December)


University of Pécs

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Institute of Social Relations

Department of Community and Social Studies


PTE BTK Közösségi és Szociális Tanulmányok Tanszék


Rókus u. 2.



Email: socialreview@pte.hu

ISSN: 1789-6983 (printed) (2008-2017)

ISSN: 2732-1258 (online) (2018-)

Responsible Publisher and Editor: Márta B. Erdős