Representation and Publicity at the Elisabeth University
Vol. 10 No. 1-2 (2023)On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Elisabeth University's move to Pécs, this special issue of Per Aspera ad Astra focuses on the history of representation at the University, i.e. the University's relationship with the public, its symbolic representation, and the institutional strategies related to it.
History of Science and History of University
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022)Jelen számunkban a tudománytörténet és az egyetemtörténet-írás kapcsolatára, illetve az egyetem tudománytermelésben játszott történeti szerepére reflektálunk. A tanulmányok többek között a tudománytörténet-írás elméleti kérdéseivel, a peregrináció és tudástranszfer jelenségeivel, ókori csillagászati források nyelvi elemzésével, járványos és mentális betegségek észlelésének és értelmezésének kérdéseivel foglalkoznak, de megismerkedhetünk a Bohr-féle atommodell megalkotásának tudománytörténeti hátterével, valamint több kiváló tudós, közöttük Polányi Mihály, Beck Soma és Prinz Gyula életútjával is.
The History, Culture and Art of Photography 2.
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022)In our present issue we explored the various relationships between photography and social, cultural and artistic phenomena. It also includes papers discussing archival material and various collections that broaden the approaches to the mentioned topics and hopefully reveal its peculiarities to our readers.
The History, Culture and Art of Photography
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021)In our present issue we explored the various relationships between photography and social, cultural and artistic phenomena. It also includes papers discussing archival material and various collections that broaden the approaches to the mentioned topics and hopefully reveal its peculiarities to our readers. One can read an analysis about the “brigade diary” of Dr. István Székács, private family photography in the 20th century, Harrison Forman's visit to Hungary, the online collection of historical photographs at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 21st century contemporary art, the Spanish Civil War press illustrations, about student tableau and its relation to our identity, and about the visual prints and the photo collection of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. In our "Retrospective" section one can read about Béla Flerkó and his work.
The Remembrance of World War I - The 100th Anniversary of the End of World War I
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2018)-