Relics of the Elisabeth University


  • Krisztina Dezső Pécsi Tudományegyetem Egyetemi Könyvtár és Tudásközpont Történeti Gyűjtemények Osztálya
  • Martina Méreg University of Pécs, Library and Knowledge Centre, Historical Collection Department
  • Dóra Pálmai University of Pécs, Library and Knowledge Centre, Historical Collection Department of the Central Library
  • Petra Polyák National Archives of Hungary, Baranya County Archives
  • Krisztina Varga Primary School of the Reformed College of Pecs



medal, statue, painting, fresco, memorial tablet, Elisabeth University


The material sources of symbolic communication, and the relics of the academic culture of celebration and remembrance are extremely valuable for researches about the university representation. This paper presents medals, paintings, sculptures and tablets produced by the Elisabeth University. One of the most famous paintings, a fresco by Andor Dudits, depicting the founding of the medieval University of Pécs, can still be seen in one of the most important ceremonial halls of the University. The medals, paintings and statues were mostly in recognition of individuals who contributed to the development of the institution (such as the relocation to Pécs), but the university also sought to commemorate itself and the outstanding members of the community. The paintings of the outgoing rectors were commissioned from renowned artists, often with ties to Pécs-Baranya, but paintings were also made not only of the rectors but also of the notabilities who had contributed to the founding of the University of Bratislava. In 1930, sculptures of the popular professors Soma Beck and Pál Heim, who died suddenly and young, were made for the medical faculty by the sculptor Sándor Gecső. The majority of the plaques were placed on the facade of the new Faculty of Law building, which provided an excellent surface for commemorating the university.


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Author Biographies

Krisztina Dezső, Pécsi Tudományegyetem Egyetemi Könyvtár és Tudásközpont Történeti Gyűjtemények Osztálya

librarian, museologist, head of department 

Martina Méreg, University of Pécs, Library and Knowledge Centre, Historical Collection Department


Dóra Pálmai, University of Pécs, Library and Knowledge Centre, Historical Collection Department of the Central Library


Petra Polyák, National Archives of Hungary, Baranya County Archives

head archivist

Krisztina Varga, Primary School of the Reformed College of Pecs



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How to Cite

Dezső, K., Méreg, M., Pálmai, D., Polyák, P., & Varga, K. (2024). Relics of the Elisabeth University. Per Aspera Ad Astra, 10(1-2), 117–141.

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