Social marketing - Smart development - Diverse autonomy
social marketing, autonomies, smart competitivenessAbstract
Smart (sustainable) competitiveness means responses to the complex challenges of economic-social-technical development and in accordance with local conditions. The complex system of autonomies of various forms and levels that overlap, build on each other are playing an increasingly important role in this. The desirable strengthening of individual and collective autonomies requires intensive social marketing, the starting point of which is a correct diagnosis of the current situation of existing decision and action autonomies. We wanted to carry out and evaluate this diagnosis in the case of EU member states, especially in Hungary.
In principle, well-usable international databases are available for the analysis (value system, competitiveness, autonomies, etc.). But they focus on some dimensions of this complex question, so the task of the research was to create a complex primary database by selective combination of secondary databases, and then to process it with appropriate statistical procedures (regression, factor and cluster analysis).
We found that within the field of the EU-27 member countries, there is a significant correlation between several dimensions of the Hofstede value assessments and the size of the Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index (GSCI) of each country. We also established that there are four distinct competitiveness clusters in the EU field, within which Hungary is in the lowest competitiveness group. The reasons for this are social and human capital, as well as the very low level of government performance and capital efficiency.
Based on the international comparative analysis focusing on EU member states Hungary has a significant competitive disadvantage, therefore intensive social marketing needs to raise awareness of its causes. In order to build a knowledge economy based on "smart" competitiveness, social autonomy and capital efficiency of a much higher standard than at present are necessary, and in close connection with this, higher level of government performance. Furthermore, the radical development of human capital is an urgent task, which requires a significant increase in the level of education and health care.
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