Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)

After the success of the first issue, the Editorial Board of this journal is pleased to announce the second issue, to be published in 2021. The aim remains the same: to provide young researchers in the first half of their academic careers with an opportunity to publish their ideas on this topic.
The authors have set themselves the task of exploring exciting topics: this issue is full of cutting-edge issues, from health and data management in general, to issues of artificial intelligence, to the international interpretation of transparency, to the regulation of domestic referendum initiatives. I believe that not only the topics are among the most topical, but also the answers, dilemmas and new perspectives that the authors bring to the issues under consideration, in a scientific approach.
This issue is also unique in that it is the first to include a foreign-language publication - two of them, each taking a closer look at an aspect of the topics mentioned above.
On behalf of the Publisher, I would like to thank the authors for their efforts, the members of the Editorial Board and the proofreaders for their dedication and acceptance of the invitation.
I wish all readers a good professional "immersion"!
Balázs Hohmann, Editor-in-Chief