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Digital public services, e-health in Hungary

EESZT implementation and developments, the digital future of e-health


  • Ildikó Pákozdyné Bőcz BKM Budapest Public Utilities Nonprofit Private Limited Company



Digital public services, E-health, DESI indicators, COVID-19, Public procurement


In this article, the e-health sub-dimension of the digital public service dimension of the domestic digital economy is presented - including focusing on the introduction and further development of the Electronic Health Service Area (EESZT), also focusing on the possible meeting points of e-health and artificial intelligence. Of course, it is never enough to introduce and develop an (electronic) system - it must also be used, as well and efficiently as possible. In a system that utilizes the opportunities provided by automated tools and technology as widely as possible, everything must be clear and understandable in order for all (as many) users to find and understand their place in it, and to use the opportunities provided by the system. In connection with the above, the EESZT was subject to numerous criticisms in the year or two after its introduction, in my article I will address these as well, as well as examine the possible reasons for "non-use" from the population's point of view: age, educational level and type of settlement as the most determining factors based on.


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Author Biography

Ildikó Pákozdyné Bőcz, BKM Budapest Public Utilities Nonprofit Private Limited Company

Head of Strategic Procurement

BKM Budapest Public Utilities Nonprofit Private Limited Company

Corresponding address:


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How to Cite

Pákozdyné Bőcz, I. “Digital Public Services, E-Health in Hungary: EESZT Implementation and Developments, the Digital Future of E-Health”. Közigazgatási és Infokommunikációs Jogi PhD Tanulmányok (PhD Studies in Administrative and ICT Law), vol. 5, no. 1, Apr. 2024, pp. 57-73, doi:10.47272/KIKPhD.2024.1.4.


