Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
- The submission file is in Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
- Where available, DOIs for the references and URLs for the on-line references have been provided.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
- By submitting an author's manuscript, the author submits to the Journal's Professional and Ethical Guidelines, the Open Access Statement and the applicable licensing terms.
- The author has included an abstract of up to 12 lines and keywords of 3-5 items with manuscript. These should also be provided in English.
- The author(s) must provide their affiliation details and ORCID when submitting the manuscript.
This is the preferred format for the journal to receive manuscripts from aspiring authors. Manuscripts of at least half author sheet's and up to two sheet's in length, written in Hungarian or English, and conforming to editorial, professional and ethical guidelines, which aim to publish new scientific results, may be submitted to this section.
In addition to papers, the journal has also published short review manuscripts, which aim to analyse, praise or review an existing publication.
Copyright Notice
The Editorial Board of our journal is committed to publishing manuscripts submitted to it under Open Access (OA), with clear copyright and licensing conditions. To this end, it offers Authors the opportunity to publish under these terms and conditions.
The Author, by submitting his/her manuscript to the Editorial Board, and by the Editorial Board's submission of the manuscript, agrees to the Publisher publishing the article edited from this manuscript in the journal. The Author acknowledges that the publishing and usage rights to the article will be subject to these terms and conditions upon first publication. By submission, the Author acknowledges that he/she has read and acknowledges the terms of the Publisher's Open Access Statement.
The Author agrees that the Publisher may make the Article freely available and downloadable from its official, publisher's website without time limitation. The right of first publication of the article is reserved exclusively to the Publisher. The Author agrees that the Publisher will publish the article in such a way that the rights of use of the article by any third party after first publication are governed by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0) license terms.
The Publisher may, under this licence, convert the article into any electronic format, copy the article by computer or copy the article to an electronic storage medium. The Publisher may share the rights of publication and use of the article with any third party or exercise these rights jointly with any third party. The Publisher may take action on behalf of the Author for infringement, misappropriation or infringement of intellectual property rights in relation to the Article. It may exercise all the rights granted to third parties under the "CC BY NC SA 4.0" licence conditions indicated above.
By submitting the article, the author warrants that he/she is the sole author of the article with the co-authors indicated, or has the consent of all co-authors to the publication of the article in this form, that the article is his/her own original intellectual creation, and that he/she has not transferred the right of first publication of the article, in whole or in part, to any third party prior to submission. He therefore has the right to publish the article and therefore has every right to authorise the Publisher to publish the article for the first time and to exercise the rights of use of the article under these terms and conditions. The Publisher warrants that there is no plagiarism in the article, that the contents are accurate and true to the best of the Author's knowledge, that the article contains no libel, obscenity, or any other material that infringes the copyright, privacy or any other right of any third party, or that otherwise violates any law, and that the manuscript is not under consideration or publication in whole or in part by any other journal, in Hungarian or any other language. The Author acknowledges and agrees that if he/she intends to publish in his/her article any material whose rights of use are held by another right holder, publisher or author, it is the sole responsibility of the Author to obtain from such right holders the appropriate permissions (as set out in the previous paragraph) for publication and use before submitting his/her manuscript to the Publisher or the Editorial Office.
As the terms and conditions apply to articles which are published for the first time in Hungary, the rights and obligations of the Author and the Publisher shall be governed by the laws in force in Hungary, in particular Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright.
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