One year in Africa: beliefs and reality

Experiences and adventures from Namibia to Malawi


  • Zsolt Molnár


Working as a volunteer in Africa is pleasure and sadness at the same time. It is a pleasure to see that there is a need for us, our work is found to be precious and our devotion is appreciated. On the other hand, it makes you sad that we cannot help enough and it is even harder to solve only a drop of problem out of the ocean. The author took a big task when he decided to fight HIV/AIDS with his comrades. The locations of their mission were the former German and then South-African colony Namibia and – got known after recent years famine – Malawi. Beyond the results of this honourable work we can also learn the adventurous events, the memories of discovered landscapes, and the everyday life of Africa.

Author Biography

Zsolt Molnár

Kommunikációs és marketing szakember. Afrikában a Humana People to People elnevezésű dán segélyszervezet égisze alatt dolgozott. Namíbiában önkéntesként vett részt a TCE (Total Control of the Epidemic) elnevezésű országos HIV/AIDS ellenes felvilágosító kampányban. Feladata a program lokális és regionális kommunikációja, valamint a helyi munkatársak szakmai segítése volt. Malawiban egy helyi használtruhakereskedelmi hálózat munkájában mint marketinges vett részt, szintén önkéntesként.




How to Cite

Molnár, Z. (2008). One year in Africa: beliefs and reality: Experiences and adventures from Namibia to Malawi. Hungarian Journal of African Studies / Afrika Tanulmányok, 2(3), 78–85. Retrieved from